The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine
of EMERCOM of Russia, Clinic No2, Optikov street, 54, St. Petersburg,
Russia, 197345
Before 15.03.2017 — 50 €
After 16.03.2017 — 75 €
The Federal State Budgetary Institute «The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine of EMERCOM of Russia»
The Interregional Public Organization «Society of Bariatric Surgeons (Russia)»
The Center of Obesity Surgery in the AZ The St-Jan’s Hospital in Bruges (Belgium) directed byDr. Bruno Dillemans
«Revisional Bariatric Surgery»
7-8 April, 2017.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
I am pleased to invite you to the International scientific and practical course “ REVISIONAL BARIATRIC SURGERY” that will take place in St. Petersburg at the Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine EMERCOM of Russia on 7-8th of the April 2017.
The bariatric surgery is gaining popularity in the Russian Federation and all around the world. It is important to have more than adequate surgical intervention skills to deal in this field of surgery.
Actually, none of the bariatric surgeons need to explain the significance of ability to perform revisional surgical interventions, as each of them deal with unsatisfactory results of operations, weight regain, other complications and necessity of plastic operations.
Currently IFSO demands higher standards from participating clinics of the number and quality of repeat bariatric surgeries before awarding the mark of “Centre of Excellence”. This mark indicates a high degree of
preparation of both the center and the surgeons who work in it.
During the two days of the course there will be a scheduled video showing of repeat operations by Bruno Dillemans (AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Ostend AV, Belgium) and anesthesiologist from the same clinic Jan Paul
Mulier (the main activity is opioid-free anesthesia and reduction complications after bariatric surgery) and also there will be showing of a video of plastic surgery patients after bariatric surgery and massive weight loss with participation of Russian experts (president and members of the Society of Bariatric Surgeon of Russia).
The conferences dedicated exclusively to difficult re-do bariatric procedures will be the first in Russia.
I invite you to attend this course in our most beautiful city in Russia – St. Petersburg.
Sincerely yours,
PhD, Member of the Society of Bariatric Surgery of Russia, Member of IFSO,
Dr. Maria Solovyeva.